Le Grizz Relay Race Details
Welcome relay runners! Le Grizz offers an ultra-laid back relay-racing experience. Whether your team has two runners or 10, come have some friendly competition with other relay teams on the North Fork Road with your fastest colleagues, classmates, friends and family!
The relay course is the same course as the 50 mile ultramarathon, and while we strongly recommend relay'ers to utilize aid stations as their swap-points, relay runners are welcome to tag out anywhere on course. Awards will go to both the speediest and the best dressed (costumes or fun uniforms HIGHLY encouraged)!
Relay racers are offered the same great benefits as full 50 mile runners – the annual T-shirt, a special relay finishers award, a free huckleberry bear claw at the finish line courtesy of the Polebridge Mercantile, and full access to the fried chicken pic-nic and a complementary beer during the post-race celebration.
Please email us with any additional questions at runlegrizz@gmail.com, and see you race day!